Car Rental


Minimum average running of 300kms per day ( 5 am to 10 pm ) is mandatory.
Distance will be charged from our office to our office.
Toll , Parking , Permit & Driver Allowance will be charged extra wherever applicable.
Interstate permit charges & border taxes will be charged extra in case of interstate travelling.
Note that as per RTO rules, no luggage is allowed on top of the vehicle carrier. As there is no carrier on vehicles; all luggage has to be managed in the available car boot space only.
Cancellation Policy:
In case Cancellation is informed before 24 Hrs of Journey time 25% will be charged & 75% Amount will Be Refunded.
In case Cancellation is Informed Less than 24 Hrs then there will Be No Refund.Vehicle can not be used for Pune Local in outstation package